Working with communities and supporting teachers to offer socially inclusive yoga

Welcome to the Bristol Yoga Roots Project

We envision a world where the incredible benefits of yoga are available to all.
We partner with local organisations in Bristol that work with marginalised communities to offer trauma-informed yoga classes. Alongside this, we are building & supporting a community of yoga practitioners with similar values and championing wider change in the Bristol yoga community
Attend one of our Public Classes
How are we creating our vision?

Sharing Spaces
We love connecting with other teachers and teacher trainees to learn from and lean into each other. To support this BYRP offers regular reflective practice, learning spaces and peer supervision where we unpack topics such as inclusivity, accessibility, antiracism and de-colonisation in relation to yoga

Offering outreach community yoga requires a commitment to continued learning, reflection and accountability. To support teachers with this work we offer training sessions developed with expertise from trauma-informed practice, clinical psychology, community work, anatomy & physiology and current research