Our Vision
To offer socially inclusive community yoga classes across Bristol. To grow and support a network of like-minded yoga practitioners who are motivated to bring the benefits of yoga to under-represented populations. To champion wider change in the Bristol yoga community. Our work is underpinned by our collective belief in the yogic values of:
- Compassion
- Community
- Connection
Our Approach
To share the benefits of yoga more widely by:
- Working with organisations across Bristol to deliver accessible classes by trauma-informed, qualified yoga teachers
- Providing a space where we can learn from and lean into each other (reflective and learning spaces)
- Delivering training and offering support to keep this work developing
- Raising the profile of particular issues in the wider Bristol yoga community such as inclusivity, anti-racism, anti-oppressive & de-colonial practices and the importance of ongoing learning & reflection
- Working with yoga studios and teacher trainers to consider ways to address the above (including signposting to other voices in this area, especially those that have so often been excluded)
Our Commitment
We are committed to continually evolving our project through the process of both group and individual reflection, acknowledging our role in teaching a practice which is not necessarily from our cultural heritage. We welcome feedback, especially on areas where we have got it wrong, where we need to develop or where inherent biases may have gone unnoticed
To live in a world where the benefits of yoga are available to all